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amino acid 氨基酸;氨酸。

The waste products result from two processes the “wearing“ of muscle tissue and oxidation of amino acids to obtain energy . 廢物來自兩個過程,肌肉組織的損耗以及為得到能量而進行的氨基酸氧化。

The “head“ amino acids arise to a great extent by a process of transamination. “ “為首的”氨基酸很大程度上在轉氨作用過程中出現。

Their amino acid composition resembles that of all the other “soluble“ proteins . 它們的氨基酸組成與所有其它可溶性蛋白質相似。


Techniques of pre - column derivatization in amino acid analysis 氨基酸分析中的柱前衍生技術

And at least 17 kinds of amino acid in v . odoratissimum ker 早禾樹中至少含有17種氨基酸。

Amino acids can be broken down by oxidative deamination 氨基酸可以被氧化脫氨基作用分解。

Inhibitor of aromatic l amino acid decarboxylase 芳香氨基酸脫羧酶抑制劑

Method for determination of amino acids in foods 食物中氨基酸的測定方法

Animal feeding stuffs - determination of amino acids content 動物飼料.氨基酸含量的測定

Juice of fruits and vegetables - determination of free amino acid 游離氨基酸含量的測定

High level of the amino acid homocystein in the blood . - 高水平的氨基酸半胱氨酸的血液

At 350 ? c amino acid half - lives are a few minutes 在350 ? c ,氨基酸的半生命期僅幾分鐘。

The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids 基本結構是蛋白質鏈氨基酸。

Advance of the studies on amino acid nutrition of shrimp 漠斑牙鲆仔魚攝食節律的研究

Advances in the research of amino acid nutrition in 植物與土壤的氨基酸營養研究進展

Analytical research on the amino acids of aging silk 老化絲織品的紅外光譜分析研究

Advance of separation and purification of amino acid 氨基酸分離純化的研究進展

Preparation of - phenyl - 2s - n - boc - amino acid ethyl ester 叔丁氧羰基氨基酸乙酯的制備

The autoinhibitory domain is 31 amino acids in length 連接區有31個氨基酸殘基。